Coming Soon! Design Chat: Texting E-Design Service!


Something new is coming…a texting e-design service called Design Chat!

I’m launching a beta version of this service that kicks off next Monday, 6/14, and I’d love for YOU to be a part of it. Read on for more details!

Design Chat is on-demand texting with me that allows you to get personalized design advice anywhere, anytime.

One thing I learned from running The Collective is that design is so personal and so specific, and my members really wanted direction that was tailored to their exact space. Since not every project is right for my full e-design service, I wanted to figure out a way for people to be able to get the help they needed in a user-friendly way. Enter, texting! It’s something we already do all the time - it couldn’t be easier to just start a conversation that way!

No more spinning your wheels, wondering if you’re making the right decisions for your home. Let’s work on making your home a place you love together!

How does it work?

With Design Chat, you’ll be able to text me right from your phone (just like you do with your friends and family - no app needed!). The pilot will run from 6/14-7/9, and you can ask questions and send photos, and I’ll share my advice, product recommendations, and more!

The cost to join the beta group is $95 - that's four weeks of texting with me for less than $100! I’ll be fielding those questions each day, and you can expect to hear back from me by the end of the business day. Sounds pretty good, huh?

This new service is perfect for you if:

  • You’re moving into a new home and are feeling overwhelmed by how to get it set up and decorated.

  • You’ve got a room makeover you want to tackle, but need advice and a second set of eyes to help you pull it all together.

  • You have a smattering of design decisions you’d like to solve in the next month, but you feel stuck and need accountability to get things done.

I’m limiting this group to just 20 folks, so if you’d like to try it out, grab your access pass below before those spots fill up! You’ll receive an email and text confirmation within 24 hours, and then you’ll be able to start texting away on 6/14. I can’t wait for you to give it a try!