My Top Six Reasons to Try E-Design

Six Reasons to Try E-Design

Since starting Mix & Match Design Company a little over a year ago, I've spent a good chunk of time explaining what e-design is and why it can be tremendously helpful to folks who want to or are in the process of decorating their homes. The concept of internet based - or "virtual" - interior design is still fairly new, and I've found that many people aren't familiar with it. When I meet someone for the first time and tell them what I do, their first question is usually, "What is that, and how does it work?" They hear the words "interior design" and the majority will immediately think it's expensive, time consuming, and overwhelming, but Mix & Match was founded to offer an alternative. My goal is to provide interior design services that are approachable, affordable, and simple - services that are ready for the Internet age and tech savvy consumers.

So, the question is: why should YOU try e-design? 


Here are my top six reasons:

  1. You want a home that's beautiful, but don't know how to pull it off. People often use the word "stuck" when they describe their decorating dilemmas. They feel paralyzed and aren't sure what to do next, so that project keeps falling to the bottom of the to do list. Or, as one recent client put it, "I moved into our house a few years ago and got 75% of the way done, but don't know how to finish the rest." I think we all know that feeling!
  2. It will save you time. You care about how your home looks, and maybe even know exactly how you want it to look, but don't have time to make it happen. E-design is a quick and easy way to get the help you need without you having to spend your precious free time and mind space on it. It does take some work from you to get started (I need some preliminary information about your space, budget, and inspiration photos), but I'll take it from there!
  3. It's affordable. Maybe you've always wished you could have a second pair of eyes to help you pull things together in your room, but worry about how much an interior designer costs. Mix & Match offers simple and straight-forward, flat-fee pricing per room. For example, a full room design costs $200. But hurry - prices are going up at the end of the year!
  4. You can avoid costly mistakes. Ever made a big furniture purchase that you later regretted once you got it home because it was too big/too small/looked wrong/etc.? We'll come up with a design plan together to stay away from those issues.
  5. You're in control of when you spend. At the end of the design phase, you'll receive a shopping list of links to all the items for your room. It's up to you when you make those purchases. You can buy everything in a day, or spread out your purchases over time.
  6. We work on your schedule. There's no need to take time off from work or out of your busy day to make sure you're at home to meet the designer since e-design is conducted primarily by email. Review information and respond when it's convenient for you - whether it's on your lunch break, while you're waiting in the carpool line, or during a quiet moment with your coffee on a Saturday morning. 

Have I convinced you yet? :) If you're ready to get started, you can fill out the informational survey for the Full Room Design or Finishing Touches and you'll receive a follow up email within 24 hours with the next steps!

Give the gift of e-design! Mix & Match offers gift certificates you can request for yourself or give to a loved one this holiday season! And until 12/7, $75 mini sessions are available. Read more about those here!
